Tag Archives: Mal Weeraratne

Revolutionary Healing Technique known as Tantric Journey

If you recognise the impact of thoughts, emotions and beliefs are stored within the body, influencing future well-being and health, then you’re likely aware that periodic purges of negative emotions are vital for sustained wellness. Mal Weeraratne offers an innovative approach to emotionally detoxify the body, liberating it from negativity to facilitate a fresh beginning. […]

Well-being for body and mind

During the last number of years, it has been acknowledged more than ever that there is a connection between mental and physical well-being and that mental well-being is just as important as physical well-being. Mental health issues have been on the increase globally and even more so over the last 3 years resulting from the […]

Facing the truth behind our emotions and behaviours

Mal Weeraratne, author of Emotional Detox through Bodywork, is the founder of the Tantric Journey, the school of Healing and Awakening and Emotional Detox and the School of Holistic Body Therapy. As founder of Tantric Journey and a pioneer of deep bodywork. Mal Weeraratne has worked in the field of Emotional Detox since 1994 and has […]

Mal Weeraratne offers Tantric Tao Bodywork sessions designed to help women with a number of issues

Mal Weeraratne P h i l o s o p h y “We are all born free and pure, with positivity and love, which is the true essence of our being.” Have you ever decided to fundamentally change your lifestyle in some way and then managed to really stick to that decision effectively and to benefit […]